
Philippines’ first “social media war room” for disaster preparedness, relief, and rehab

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Press Statement:  UP Social Media Operations Center Dec. 1, 2013  UP launches the country’s first  Social Media “War Room” for Disaster Preparedness, Relief and Rehabilitation Efforts The University of the Philippines through the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy recently launched last week, Nov. 25, 21013, the county’s first ever social media war room, the “UP Volunteer … Continue reading

Volunteer Social Media Command Post for Yolanda Relief Efforts

Volunteer social media command post

Friends I’m trying to put up a volunteer social media command post to mine the data generated over the social media. Querries about missing persons, survivors, shouts for help, relief effort queries, etc. Data to be processed and passed on to relevant groups including agencies and humanitarian organizations, etc. Need a conference room with strong internet connection within Metro Manila. A college or university would be nice so we can tap student volunteers but other options also ok. To be manned by volunteers preferably with laptops or social media literate. I will take care of setting up hardware and software requirements. PM,  email me at Thanks everyone.

Let’s innovate the PR workplace!

IMG_6698Calling all fellow public relations practitioners, corporate communicators,  office spokespersons, public information officers, and thought leaders!  Join me as we innovate and re-engineeer the public relations industry .   Engage me in a conversation on how we can synergize and  use technology to drive compelling stories and define over arching narratives for our clients and those we work for.

As a tradecraft, there is a need for us communicators to become aware of the various technological tools at our disposal to help build relationships for our clients and their respective publics.  As public servants, institutions, society icons,  and corporations  transform part of their organizations into de-facto news rooms, so must we help them in developing the right mindsets and attitudes to directly engage their constituents, their stakeholders, and critics.

Through the internet and smartphones, people are now empowered to form their own judgements about personalities and institutions.    They will know if they are being fooled or not.  A higher form of accountability and transparency is now upon those who say they are bastions of public service or benchmarks of corporate social responsibility.   False claims will spell doom while affirmations of touted virtues will redound to long term relationships. It is up to us to  help  navigate this communication environment  24/7.

Veering away from traditional PR mindsets, the challenge for us is to unleash the power of public relations with strategic aid of technology.  Let us start the conversation.  Email me at  so we can have coffee and chat about possibilities.

Your companion in public relations innovation,

Eero Brillantes

Brillantes Campaigns

An attempt to frame the Napoles Conjuncture from the lens of Nation-Building – Eero Brillantes

An attempt to frame the Napoles Conjuncture from the lens of Nation-Building – Eero Brillantes

All of us are anticipating the senate appearance of Janette Napoles. For us in the industry of opinion making, this episode in our history will be a litmus test for the over-arching narrative of the Benigno Aquino presidency, that of Tuwid na Daan. It also provides an opportunity for those with eyes on 2016 to introduce their own strategic narratives, hopeful that their inception into the national debate would somehow move forward how they would want to be defined as presidential material.

But let us not also discount other narratives with no specific electoral agenda yet are in themselves parallel compelling stories but are at present still at the margins.

Questions are begging to be asked outside the Napoles frame.

Who benefits from weak Philippine democratic institutions, from a weak Philippine democratic State? Whose interests would benefit if we fail to address bigger picture issues such as ASEAN integration in the very near future? Are there attempts to make us weak so that other countries, other economies can become strong or stronger?

Do our present political intramurals feed into a series of scenarios already being triggered to benefit a desired future for others in the Asian region? Asia Pacific? The world stage?

At the very least, are flames being fanned so as to accelerate desired alternative futures of others but at our expense as a nation?

At least two countries, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia have embarked on illegal immigration campaigns to send back hundreds of thousands of Filipinos since last year. Was it of our doing as what is being made to appear or are we somehow being played? Despite false bravado and fighting words to paint the opposite, we simply at this point in time do not have the absorptive capacity and safety nets to reintegrate them into our local economy. We can’t even have decent relocation for millions of informal settlers already in our urban centers. Make no mistake, there are those who will exploit this weakness to the hilt.

We are a young democracy, a very young republic. Presidents will come and go, but to ignore and even negate that nation building necessitates a strong, vibrant, and prosperous democratic state while realistically fending off predatory attempts by outside forces, and yes, countries to make us stay weak will be a complete remiss of our being citizens. We must not lose sight that statecraft is indeed the art and science of nation building. Hang the guilty no matter how high the totem pole goes, but don’t weaken the State. Despite the lofty sign that says Republic of the Philippines, to others we may still be just individual ethno-linguistic tribes incidentally and accidentally residing together in 7,100 islands because the world, especially our past and present colonizers and pseudo colonizers said so. A vast herd of sheep to fight over for generations.

All of a sudden, I am now reminded of the closing storyline of “A Game of Thrones” season three. The world of men implodes while the white walkers are getting ready to scale the walls.

PR War Room

A Filipino owned Information Technology company, with hundreds of millions in government contracts, breached national security protocol by divulging state secrets in an exclusive interview with a particular foreign media entity.

An incumbent  member of the legislature continues to amass billions in wealth  to this very day,  as a direct result of setting up and controlling a cartel in the 70’s.

Two insurance firms, supposedly competitors, were awarded  a multi-million contract with a government agency to service the transport industry.  They were both handled by one very powerful law firm.

The family of a “pro farmer” high ranking government official continues to skirt agrarian reform in their locality despite years of protests from tenants.  The official is seeking higher office in 2016.

These are examples of actual competitive intelligence gathering I have done to help me craft and implement PR campaigns and crisis communication activities for political and corporate clients.

If you situate yourself in a competitive environment, let me help you handle your due diligence on yourself, your organization,  your clients, and the competition.   Going further, permit me to set up your PR war room operations.



Brillantes Campaigns. Compelling Stories.

Eero Brillantes on GMA Network’s State of the Nation by Jessica Soho

Friends, Please watch my interview on GMA Network, Jessica Soho’s State of the Nation. It was shown last night, Sept. 26, 2012. Thanks to Ms. Sherrie Ann Torres for taking the time to feature my book Game Changer, the “Election War Room” system, and my thoughts on Politics and Public Relations.